New to cloth diapers?

If you are just starting out and want more information on cloth diapers, check out my posts in October and November of 2009. This will give you information on types of cloth diapers, washing routines etc..... You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Diapers for charity

A well known cloth diaper store owner, put out this email today. Do you know of any organizations that need wonderful organic cotton prefold diapers? Geneva

Do you know an orphanage in need of seconds prefolds?
GMD is giving away seconds prefold diapers to orphanages. We are looking for East coast shipping destinations to send boxes of off-brand prefolds. Adoption agencies. Also crisis pregancy centers. We are trying to keep our shipping costs down for the give-aways so... east coast and charitable (tax deductible) places needed.

If you know a place that wants some of these, please send an email to
