New to cloth diapers?

If you are just starting out and want more information on cloth diapers, check out my posts in October and November of 2009. This will give you information on types of cloth diapers, washing routines etc..... You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Great new fitted diaper....

I just received some new fitted diapers from Green Mountain Diapers.
These are the "Cloth-eez Workhorse" diapers. They are made from 100% cotton prefold diapers that are shaped like a fitted diaper with elastic around the legs and waist, and they have an extra flap style doubler sew to the back of the diaper. They come with either snaps or with no closure (you can use pins or a snappi to close).
These are great fitted diapers with an amazingly low price. They come in sizes newborn, small, medium, large and XL. I am using the XL size on Issy. She is 30lbs and 2 years old and they fit her generously, but are not too big. She will be able to wear these until she potty trains and then at night as well. I like fitted diapers because they are easy to use and they contain messes well. You can get by with using fewer covers because the fitted diaper contains the mess and you can reuse the cover more times in between washings. Many fitted diapers are very expensive and thus are a difficulty for many parents to afford. These fitted diapers cost between $3.95 (for newborn with no closures) to $6.95 (for all other sizes with snap closures), which makes them a very affordable choice. They are selling quick and right now she has size newborn, small and medium available. Large and extra-large will be in stock in a couple months.
Check out for more information.
Happy diapering,