New to cloth diapers?

If you are just starting out and want more information on cloth diapers, check out my posts in October and November of 2009. This will give you information on types of cloth diapers, washing routines etc..... You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cloth encouragement......

Need some encouragement to start using cloth diapers on your baby?

The great thing about cloth is that you can start using them at anytime. It will save you money in the long run to start using cloth diapers on your baby starting from birth or soon thereafter, but you can start using cloth diapers at any age. It is better for the environment to use cloth diapers. "Disposable" or rather single use diapers, are what make up the majority of our landfills. They are not biodegradable and the "natural" brands are not biodegradable either. They may be better for your baby since they don't contain some of the same chemicals that are used to whiten and process regular disposable diapers, but they do contain the same super absorbent gel material that is not a natural substance and does not break down.

Whether your child is 6 weeks, 6 months or almost potty trained, using cloth diapers is great for your pocketbook and also a great way to "go green". Just think, investing in cloth diapers now will mean that you will already have diapers on hand for your next little bundle of joy. Most will last through more than one child and when you don't need them anymore, use them as rags or donate to a friend in need or even send them overseas to an orphanage. No need to throw them out, but know that when you do....they won't be hanging around for 500 years.

Feel free to email me if you need more information or advise.
Happy diapering.

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