New to cloth diapers?

If you are just starting out and want more information on cloth diapers, check out my posts in October and November of 2009. This will give you information on types of cloth diapers, washing routines etc..... You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is the most economical way to cloth diaper a baby?

Today on I saw a post where someone was asking a question about whether it would be possible for her to cloth diaper her baby and toddler for $60 or less. She only wants to spend the amount that she spends on disposable diaper in one month. She was asking for suggestions about what kind of diapers/covers would work for this budget.
Well there are a lot of "high end" diapers out there now days that cost upwards of $20 per diaper, so those are definitely out, but you can cloth diaper for very little money these days.
My suggestion was to use flat diapers and Dappi brand nylon diaper covers, using pins or a snappi to secure the diaper. Let see how much this would really cost up front, not including washing costs.
At you can get a dozen cotton flat diapers (which fit from infant to toddler depending on how you fold them) for $19 per dozen. Dappi nylon pants are two in a package for $5. And a pair of pins are $1 each. So two dozen flat diapers, three pakages of medium Dappi pants (these fit 20-25lbs, she is diapering a 20 month old, so I am guessing on the size) and one package of size large for the toddler, along with two sets of pins: this would cost exactly $60. They offer free shipping for any size order and sometimes they have coupon codes for a discount off your total purchase. Perfect package for someone on a tight budget. Flat diapers are also the easiest diaper to clean since they are only a single layer of fabric. They can even be hand washed and air dried quickly. Nylon pull on covers are also super easy to hand wash and they dry in a snap. So question answered.

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