New to cloth diapers?

If you are just starting out and want more information on cloth diapers, check out my posts in October and November of 2009. This will give you information on types of cloth diapers, washing routines etc..... You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Washing and Lanolizing Wool Diaper Covers

How to wash and lanolize your wool diaper covers.

1. Hand wash your soiled wool diaper covers in lukewarm water using a wool-safe wash (like Euculan or Northern Essence). Make sure the water is not too hot or cold. Fill a small sink or basin with lukewarm water; add 1 tsp. of Euculan and then your wool. Swish and soak for 5 minutes. When finished don’t ring out your wool, gently press out the water and roll in a towel. Then lay flat to dry.

2. To spot clean your wool (like for a poo stain, but the whole cover is not dirty). Use a bar of olive oil soap (Kiss my face makes a good one) and apply to the stain with some lukewarm water. Rub gently. Rinse and lay flat to dry.

  1. To lanolize add a pea size amount of solid lanolin (like Lansinoh) in a small jar or container. Add some very hot water and 1/2 tsp. of the wool wash or baby shampoo(this helps emulsify the lanolin) swish or shake until well mixed. The mixture will become cloudy and you won't see oil floating. Fill your sink or basin with lukewarm water, add the lanolin mixture. Turn the cover inside out and add it to the basin. Let it soak for 15-30 minutes. Remove the cover and gently roll it in a towel and lay flat to dry. I usually lay my cover to dry on top of the dryer. Do not put your wool in the dryer. This will shrink the wool.

I usually always add lanolin to the wash each time I wash my covers (which in once every 2-3 weeks or sooner if they get a stain or something).

There are a lot of videos on youtube that show the process of washing and lanolizing wool diaper covers.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cloth Diaper Starter set for sale.....

I have put together a wonderful starter set for an infant. It includes:
One dozen infant size prefolds (Diaper service quality, white prefolds)
Two size small cashmere recycled soakers with interlock wool waistband and cuffs. Both in beautiful gender neutral colors. Orange/cream strip and a pretty ocean blue. These are new and made by me. (pictured on the left)
Ten cloth wipes made by me from recycled flannel receiving blankets and baby towels. One side is flannel and the other side is terry.
Six micro-fleece liners to keep baby dry and for easy clean up of messes.
One size 1 snappi, to secure the prefold to the baby.
I will also include instructions for washing the prefolds and caring for the wool covers.
I would estimate that this package would fit a baby from 10lbs to 18lbs (depending on the build of your baby).
$50 via paypal. Wonderful deal for diapers and covers made from natural fibers. Shipping is extra and will probably be cheapest via a USPS flat rate box. I could get these into a medium size box, which would be around $10. Email me for an exact amount.